Walk and Talk Therapy

What is Walk and Talk Therapy?
Walk and Talk therapy (or walking therapy) is very different to traditional therapy which is conducted in a room.
The first obvious difference is that instead of being inside, you're outside.
Also, instead of sitting face to face, walking therapy is conducted side by side.
The benefits
We all know that being outside has its own health benefits.
But why walk with your therapist?
As highlighted during this pandemic, human beings need connection - walking and talking with someone can help alleviate feelings of isolation
If you're particularly anxious, being side by side and not face to face can help ease that anxiety.
Walking in itself can feel therapeutic creating a feeling of calmness.
Some might even say walking out in nature feels meditative and grounding.
Research shows that daily exercise can help to lift your mood therefore reduce levels of anxiety and depression, which can aid a more restful night's sleep.
Walking therapy has the added benefit of getting the body moving and clocking up some those daily steps!
It offers an opportunity to reduce stress, relieve tension in the body and improve circulation.
The final benefit is the beautiful scenery. I've found that walking along and admiring the trees and plants, it's easy to forget you're even in London.
I offer walking therapy in a selection of London Parks -
Regent's Park & Primrose Hill, Green Park, St. James Park, Hyde Park, Hampstead Heath & Parliament Hill and Highbury Fields.
Therapy can also be conducted in some of the smaller green spaces in and around Central London which can be discussed during the initial session.
What happens?
The initial first session will take place either online (Zoom or by telephone).
During this session we will discuss suitability. If walking therapy is suitable then we discuss and finalise risk assessment plus practical details.
Other considerations and FAQs
We know the Great British weather can be, at times, unpredictable. If a little rain doesn't faze you - it might be a good idea to bring an appropriate waterproof jacket, and wear suitable comfortable waterproof shoes, just in case it does rain.
As much as the rain is unpredictable, it can also be just as sunny so please, during warmer weather wear appropriate clothing (i.e. t-shirt, hat and sunglasses) and apply sunscreen.
Make sure you are warm enough, but it depends on you. If your body warms up quickly with movement you may like to wear some layers to be able to adjust this.
If the weather is too severe it may be best to arrange to meet online or by telephone at a different time.
What happens if we meet people along the way?
Confidentiality is an integral part of therapy. While a quiet route is for the most part predetermined, it's possible we might bump into people we know along the way. If this should happen, I suggest we say hello from afar, and casually move on, being mindful not to encourage engagement with the other party and of course, we can address this in the moment during the therapy.
Coronavirus considerations
During the loosened coronavirus restrictions, we will be walking alongside one another at least one metre distance apart.
In the event we cannot hear one another, we can connect by telephone using headphones.
If you begin to exhibit symptoms of the coronavirus, please inform me immediately and follow the most up to date coronavirus guidelines. If you are well enough therapy can be conducted online or by telephone.